The present invention is about a feminine hygiene article comprising a topsheet, a backsheet, an acquisition layer and a core layer. The core layer defines a core area between topsheet and backsheet which is completely covered by the topsheet. The acquisition layer is placed on the core layer and covers 65-85% of the core layer. The core layer of the feminine hygiene article is printed with a color which is different than white wherein, the printed pattern is visible through the facing side of the topsheet. At least 90% of the core layer has colored portion which is underneath the topsheet layer and at least 65-85% of the colored portion is underneath the acquisition layer and topsheet layer. In the present invention single coloring agent is applied on the upper surface of the core layer and different L*a*b* value of the colored portion is obtained when measured from the viewing surface of the topsheet. The color difference of the portions of the printing which are located under the topsheet and acquisition layer and only topsheet layer provides a shade effect. This in term creates a perception of depth within the absorbent article by a user looking upon the viewing surface of the topsheet.La présente invention concerne un article dhygiène féminine comprenant une feuille supérieure, une feuille inférieure, une couche dacquisition et une couche centrale. La couche centrale définit une zone centrale entre la feuille supérieure et la feuille inférieure qui est complètement recouverte par la feuille supérieure. La couche dacquisition est placée sur la couche centrale et recouvre de 65 à 85 % de la couche centrale. Une couleur, autre que blanche, est imprimée sur la couche centrale de larticle dhygiène féminine, le motif imprimé étant visible à travers le côté face de la feuille supérieure. Au moins 90 % de la couche centrale présente une partie colorée sous la couche supérieure et au moins de 65 à 85 % de la partie colorée se situe sous la couche dacquisition et la couc