The present invention provides the use of formulation with surfactant protein-D (SP-D) in the modulation of activity of human eosinophils derived from hypereosinophilic patients to an increased activation state and increased apoptosis. Accordingly the utility of the invention can be extended in human subjects in resolution of eosinophilic inflammations in related diseases and disorders like neuromuscular and respiratory diseases with eosinophilia other than airway-hyperresponsiveness, allergy and asthma, hypereosinophilic leukemias, hypereosinophilc syndromes (rare hematological diseases), skin diseases like eosinophilia-Myalgia syndrome, eosinophilic fascitis, capillary leak syndromes (IL-2), Churg-Strauss syndrome, toxic oil syndrome, parasitosis, etc., where a large number of stimulated eosinophils accumulate and release a series of growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, bioactive lipid mediators, toxic oxygen metabolites.