A surgical imaging device includes at least one light source for illuminatingan object, at least two image sensors configured to generate image datacorresponding to the object in the form of an image frame, and a videoprocessor configured to receive from each image sensor the image datacorresponding to the image frames and to process the image data so as togenerate a composite image. The video processor may be configured tonormalize, stabilize, orient and/or stitch the image data received from eachimage sensor so as to generate the composite image. Preferably, the videoprocessor stitches the image data received from each image sensor byprocessing a portion of image data received from one image sensor thatoverlaps with a portion of image data received from another image sensor.Alternatively, the surgical device may be, e.g., a circular stapler, thatincludes a first part, e.g., a DLU portion, having an image sensor a secondpart, e.g., an anvil portion, that is moveable relative to the first @0rt. Thesecond @0rt includes an arrangement, e.g., a bore extending therethrough, forconveying the image to the image sensor. The arrangement enables the image tobe received by the image sensor without removing the surgical device from thesurgical site.