The invention relates to a modular equipment meant to perform works for soil loosening concomitantly with bed modelling, as well as seeding bulb and root vegetable crops, in one pass or in successive passes, depending on agricultural and technical requirements and pedoclimatic conditions. According to the invention, the equipment comprises a front frame (A) consisting of some beams (1) integral with some cross members (2) and some girders (3) and a triangle-shaped three-point connection support (4) on which some modules (5) are mounted, these modules (5) being provided with some passive working members (6) for soil loosening and some shapers (7) for bed modelling and a rear frame (B) consisting of some supports (8) mounted on a bar (9) of the front frame (A) using some flanges (10), a section-holder bar (11), some sowing sections (12) provided each with a mechanical seeding apparatus (a), a four-arm mechanism consisting of an upper hinged arm (b) provided with a bolt ( c), a lower hinged arm (d) provided with a hinge (e), a pre-settling wheel (f), a ploughshare (g) and a settling wheel (h), some bolts (13) for fixing the rear frame (B) in case it is vertically swung by an angle of 90°, a spring (14) and a platband (15) provided with a hole (i) of a special profile.Invenţia se referă la un echipament modulat, destinat să execute, dintr-o singură trecere sau prin treceri succesive, în funcţie de cerinţele agrotehnice şi condiţiile pedoclimatice, lucrările pentru afânarea solului concomitent cu modelarea pe strat, precum şi semănatul culturilor de legume bulboase şi rădăcinoase. Echipamentul conform invenţiei este compus dintr-un cadru (A) anterior, format din nişte grinzi (1) rigidizate cu nişte traverse (2) şi cu nişte lonjeroane (3), şi un suport (4) de prindere în trei puncte în formă de triunghi, pe care sunt montate nişte module (5) prevăzute cu nişte organe (6) de lucru pasive, pentru afânarea solului, şi nişte formatoare (7) pentru modelarea pe strat, şi un cad