1. twine tensioning system for the baler comprising: a housing a hopper for twine a device for tensioning, which is fed through twine, sagging arm pivotally mounted to said housing, said lever has a guide sagging at the end remote from said hinge connection to direct twine device knotting and cutting the twine adjacent the distal end of said arm sagging, finger pressing mechanism located adjacent-specified device knotting and cutting twine and pivotally mounted on the shaft of a finger pressing mechanism for periodic displacement of twine in the specified device tying components and cutting twine and wherein said lever is set to sag said housing above said device, and knotting the twine cutting and lock rod releasably attached to said body portion for limiting the rotation of said lever provisaniya.2 down. twine tensioning system according to claim. 1, having a plurality of spaced-apart laterally adjacent elementov.3. twine tensioning system according to claim. 1, located in the upper part of the pressing ustroystva.4. Tensioning system according to claim twine. 1, in which said locking rod comprises a tube extending in a direction parallel to the pivot axis of said lever sagging, and a lever extending from said bar and removably connected to said korpusom.5. twine tensioning system according to claim. 4, including a plurality of tensioning systems, and in which said locking rod continues over natyazheniya.6 related systems. tensioning system splits1. Система натяжения шпагата для пресс-подборщика, содержащая:корпусбункер для шпагатаприспособление для натяжения, через которое подается шпагатрычаг провисания, шарнирно установленный в указанном корпусе, при этом указанный рычаг провисания имеет направляющую на конце, удаленном от указанного шарнирного соединения, для направления шпагатаустройство завязывания узлов и отрезания шпагата, смежное удаленному концу указанного рычага провисанияпалец прессующего механизма, расположенный смежно-указанному устройству завязывани