FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, respiratory therapeutic exercises, and concerns a method involving a cycle of physical (PE) and respiratory (RE) exercises to be performed. Performing the RE involves taking a breath with three additional nasal breaths and breathing out with three additional mouth breaths out. Taking a breath is preceded by bottom-up and backward circular shoulder motions with keeping the back as straight as possible and making efforts to keep the shoulder blades as close to each other as possible. The head is lowered, and while lifting it up smoothly a drawing breath is taken through the nose for 7-12 s with the belly blown, and taking three additional nasal breaths each of which is accompanied by sucking in slightly. The mouth is slightly opened as a smile with contracting the abdominals starting from the lower level and lifting the belly from bottom to top and pulling it under the ribs and pushing air out from the lower, middle and upper lungs with taking a breath through the mouth for 10-15 s. With ones mouth a little opened, breathing out three times additionally is accompanied by pulling the belly under the rib from bottom to top and pushing air out. Breath is held for 2-5 s, and the cycle is repeated.EFFECT: method provides following the desired balance of blood and tissue oxygen and carbon dioxide that promotes particularly weight loss, as well as intensified blood circulation in the problem areas, fat cell burning, stimulated tissue regeneration, applicability in the individuals suffering from hip diseases.4 ex, 4 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, дыхательной лечебной гимнастике и касается способа, включающего одновременное выполнение цикла физических (ФУ) и дыхательных упражнений (ДУ). При выполнении ДУ производят вдох с тремя дополнительными вдохами через нос и выдох с тремя дополнительными выдохами через рот. Перед вдохом совершают круговые движения плечами снизу вверх и назад, максимально выпрямляют спину, стар