A patient care system (90) comprising an interface unit (100), an infusionpump unit (150a), and a capnography unit (150b) is disclosed. The infusionpump unit (150a) is used to administer medical fluids to a patient, includingthe administration of anesthethics, analgesics, or sedatives. The capnographyunit (150b) provides monitoring of the patient's expired air, in particular,the end tidal CO2 levels in the expired air and the respiration rate. When thecapnography unit (150b) indicates to the interface unit that the end tidal CO2level and/or pulse rate has reached a point outside a specified range, theinterface unit (100) initiates visual and audio alarms and controls theinfusion pump unit (150a) by modifying the flow or by shutting off the pumpunit. In patient controlled analgesia applications, the interface unit (100)may block patient-controlled bolus doses of the analgesic until reset by aqualified medical professional or until the measured capnography values returnto a normal range. The interface unit (100) also contains communication ports,which the interface unit can use to send signals to external devices, such asto alert medical personnel.