A device for collecting a sample of the first pass portion of urine voided by a donor isolated from the midstream portion of the urine comprises a first part (1) comprising an opening at its upper end (4) adapted to receive urine voided by a donor, a urine collection body (3) downstream of the upper end and a closable exit (6) located downstream of the urine collection body and at the lower end (5) of the first part, the exit providing a circular orifice (7), a second part (2) located downstream of the exit of the first part and comprising a collecting vessel (10) which is in communication with the exit of the first part, wherein the circular orifice provided by the exit of the first part defines an inlet into the collecting vessel and has a diameter which is smaller than the diameter of the collecting vessel at the upper end thereof, and wherein the collecting vessel contains a moveable closure member (13) for blocking the inlet into the collecting vessel which moveable closure member is capable of floating in urine and is adapted such that, in use, it blocks the inlet into the collecting vessel on the filling of the collecting vessel with urine so as to cause further voided urine to be collected in the urine collection body of the first part. By use of the device, a sample of first pass urine, undiluted by midstream urine, may be collected for medical analysis.