Floating structure, comprising a First Plurality of Tubes, and a Second Plurality of Tubes that keeps the first Tubes longitudinally equidistant and parallel to each other, forming a network structure and Method for a floating structure.
The invention relates to a floating structure and to a method for obtaining same. The structure provides a first plurality of tubes (1) and a second plurality of tubes (2). The second plurality of tubes (2) is inserted into the first plurality of tubes (1), such as to extend through the upper portion of same, and both sets of tubes are welded together. The ends of the tubes of the first plurality of tubes (1), as per the example, are closed in order to be used as flotation tanks when the floating structure is fitted out for the use thereof. According to the method, the first plurality of tubes (1) is locked in place on the frame (7), with the pairs of holes (4, 4') provided in the tubes (1) of the first plurality of tubes (1) being aligned, and a corresponding tube (2) of the second plurality of tubes (2) is inserted through each pair of aligned holes by force, the ends of each of the connection portions or parts (3) contained in the tubes (1) being welded on the periphery of the holes (4, 4').<;p>;Estructura flotante, que comprende una primera pluralidad de tubos, una segunda pluralidad de tubos que mantiene los tubos de la primera pluralidad de tubos longitudinalmente equidistantes y paralelos entre sí; y la primera pluralidad de tubos y la segunda pluralidad de tubos relacionados entre sí; formando una estructura reticular, donde cada tubo de la primera pluralidad de tubos presenta una alineació;n de pares de agujeros en su periferia, los agujeros previstos centrados y enfrentados en ambos extremos de una lí;nea que se extiende transversal al eje longitudinal de cada tubo y superiormente paralela al plano horizontal que lo divide en dos porciones semicilí;ndricas, todos los pares de agujeros en cada tubo equidistantes entre sí; y los pares de agujeros enfrentados en los tubos que componen la primera pluralidad de tubos respectivamente atravesados por correspondientes tubos de la segunda pluralidad de tubos, siendo que las p