PURPOSE: A seed production method of the epinephelus septemfasciatus through the culture of feed organism is provided to be able to mass-produce seeding by increasing the survival rate of the hatching fry of the epinephelus septemfasciatus. CONSTITUTION: A seed production method of the epinephelus septemfasciatus through the culture of feed organism performs the following processes: seawater is collected to a breeding water bath and left naturally seawater sterilized through a sterilized apparatus, and the collected seawater are mixed after a culture reagent is injected to the filtered and collected seawater to cultivate the feed organism, the feed organism is inoculated to the seawater to propagate massively eggs are collected from an adult fish, fertilized, and incubated in the cultivation water, and cultivated with feed organisms the hatching fry hatched from the eggs incubated in the cultivation water eats the cultivation feed organism, and is cultivated to larva of a specific size while rotifer is inoculated in the cultivation water to cultivate as larval stage feed, and the hatching fry is cultivated to post-larva and the breeding water bath is converted from a water changeless type into a flowing water type to cultivate the larva. [Reference numerals] (AA) Seawater collection and sterilization (BB) Sterilization filtering and seawater preparation (CC) Mixing (DD) Breeding for 5-7 days after incubation (EE) Inputting rotifer and breeding (FF) Breeding feed organism (GG) Eggs are collected from an adult fish, fertilized, and incubated in the cultivation water (HH) Selecting fishes (II) Converting into a flowing water type (JJ) Cultivate seedlings능성어류 중 가장 구경이 작고 영양요구량이 높아 생존율이 극히 저조한 붉바리의 부화자어가 알에서 부화하여 난황을 흡수하고 난 후 초기 먹이생물을 섭이하기 시작하는 기간 동안의 초기 먹이생물을 영양배지를 통해 선별 배양하여 먹이로 공급함으로서 부화자어기의 폐사율을 감소시켜 대량종묘 생산이 가능하도록 하였다. 이로부터 능성어류의 부화자어기의 생존율을 높임으로서 종묘로서 대량 생산이 가능하여 유류비와 어분 가격, 인건비 상승 등으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 양식업계에 고부가 양식 어종 기술개발을 촉진하는 요소로 작용할 것이다.