1. A method for catheterization of the coronary artery in which the catheter is introduced through the venous system into the right atrium, and then tested interatrial septum, the catheter is introduced into the left atrium, left ventricle, and then into the ascending aorta to the coronary arteriy.2 mouth. The method of claim 1, wherein a catheter distal end is in contact with the ascending aorta is located opposite the mouth of the coronary arterii.3. The method of claim 1, wherein catheterization is performed for the purpose of angiografii.4. A catheter for catheterization of the coronary arteries, configured in a manner that provides placement of the distal end of said catheter opposite the mouth of the coronary artery during insertion of the catheter into the ascending aorta via the left zheludochek.5. A catheter according to claim 4, intended for angiografii.6. A catheter according to claim 4, characterized in that it consists of three parts made in one piece: the proximal, vertical and horizontal (distal), and the junction of the proximal portion and the vertical portion (proximal bend) - a region which in the operating position of the catheter is located inside the left ventricle, the other end of the vertical portion in the operative position of the catheter is located outside the left ventricle into the ascending aorta, and the horizontal part is in the ascending aorta and is bent so that both effectiveness to the location of the catheter tip at the mouth of the coronary arterii.7. A catheter according to claim 4, the end of which has a shape as shown in FIG. 7 and 8, or 10 or 12 or 17.8. A catheter according to claim 6 for the left coronary artery, characterized in that the horizontal portion of the catheter is provided with1. Способ катетеризации коронарных артерий, при котором катетер вводят через венозную систему в правое предсердие, затем проходят межпредсердную перегородку, вводят катетер в левое предсердие, затем левый желудочек и в восходящие отделы