Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Санкт-Петербургский научно-исследовательский психоневрологический институт им. В.М. Бехтерева" (НИПИ им. В.М. Бехтерева") (RU)
Нарышкин Александр Геннадьевич (RU),Горелик Александр Леонидович (RU),Скоромец Тарас Александрович (RU),Гурчин Александр Феликсович (RU),Ивченко Ирина Марковна (RU),Кондратьев Анатолий Николаевич (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to neurosurgery, resuscitation and neurology, and may be used for treating the permanent unconscious vegetative state. That is ensured by intratympanic streptomycin treatment with underlying common drug therapy of the state. The completion of the above is followed by the electric transcranial exposure on the brain. For the intratympanic treatment, streptomycin 1 g is dissolved in physiologic saline 1 ml. The preparation is introduced once a day from one side, and on the other day from the opposite side. The therapeutic course is 5-10 days. The electric transcranial exposure is presented by transcranial DC micropolarisation of intensity 200-400 mcA for 30-40 minutes daily for 16-24 days. The exposure is performed through 3-4 electrodes places on the areas of temporo-caudal projections and posterior associated cortical areas from both sides. For the first 6 days, such exposure covers the temporo-caudal projections, while on the other days the posterior associated cortical area projections are exposed. If required, the above therapeutic courses are repeated not earlier than in 3 months until the clear consciousness is reached.EFFECT: method provides an immediate and convincing clinical effect without brain invasiveness, an ability to recover the clear consciousness in these patients, as well as a significant reduction of the pathologically increased muscle tone and as a result, achieved satisfactory level of the patients self-service.2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к нейрохирургии, реаниматологии и неврологии, и может быть использовано для лечения длительного бессознательного вегетативного состояния. Для этого на фоне общепринятой медикаментозной терапии такого состояния осуществляют интратимпанальное введение стрептомицина, по завершении которого проводят электрическое транскраниальное воздействие на головной мозг. Для интратимпанального введения 1 г стрептомицина разводят в 1 мл физиологич