The present invention relates to the composition and process of making a natural supplement which is intended to combat such diseases as various types of cancer in carcinomas, lymphomas, myelomas, sarcomas, and leukemia and so on. elaborated from the harvest of the barks, leaves, seeds, flowers and roots that are properly washed and dried. After drying, they are placed in a glass, add 96% cereal alcohol to cover the herbs inside the glass and stored in a dark place for maceration for 03 days (72 hours). After the maceration is finished, the extract that is formed is filtered and placed in a dark glass (amber). Add 09 drops of hazelnut latex (sap) and 09 drops of janauba latex (sap) into the bottle with mineral water, shaking well for a few seconds until the compound mixes completely. Filter the entire contents of the bottle with a filter coffee filter paper and place in a container. In a glass, pour 125 ml of the filtered herbal liquid, pour 500 ml of the filtered liquid. stir so that the ingredients are well dissolved (mixed) and filter again. It can be used in children up to 03 (three) years as follows: 10 drops of 8/8 hrs (03 x daily), 10 drops of 6/6 hrs (04 x daily). children older than 03 (three) years and adults: 20 drops 8/8 hrs (03 x daily), 20 drops 6/6 hrs (04 x daily).a presente patente de invenção diz respeito a composição e processo de elaboração de suplemento natural, a qual é destinada a combater tais doenças como vários o tipos de câncer nos carcinomas, linfomas, mielomas, sarcomas, e leucemia e etc. elaborada a partir da a colheita das cascas, folhas, sementes, flores e raízes que são devidamente lavadas e secas. após secarem, são colocados em um vidro, adicionar o álcool de cereais 96% até cobrir as ervas dentro do vidro e guardado em local escuro para maceração por 03 dias (72 horas). após o término de maceração, filtra-se o extrato que se formou e coloca em um vidro escuro (âmbar). adiciona 09 gotas de látex (seiva) de aveloz e 09 gotas de látex