The utility model relates to medicine, in particular to surgery, and can be used by emergency, ambulance and military field services to provide emergency care for head and cervical spine injuries. Surgical drainage containing a tube made of a polyurethane polymer is known to the wall of the distal end of which holes are made for drainage. The proximal end of the tube is equipped with bulges for fixing the tube. Patent No. JP4314454 dated November 5, 1992. The disadvantage of this method is: 1) the tubular canal for outflow is often obstructed by wound and prevents drainage; 2) there is no reliable fixation of the drainage, in which the tube can migrate; 3) the need for manual cutting of the necessary holes in the drainage tube depending on the size of the wound. The expected result is a reliable fixation of drainage in the wound and hygroscopic material directed into the external environment unhindered outflow of wound discharge, local antibacterial the effect, mechanical cleaning of the wound and stimulation of regeneration when removing or changing the drainage, the absence of a local inflammatory or allergic reaction to the drainage. Thus, surgical drainage solves several problems at once: it provides effective drainage, prevents the development of local reactions of the body, prevents possible complications and provides an antibacterial effect in the treatment of soft tissue wounds. An additional advantage is versatility in the form of a simple application and cutting the right size of surgical drainage.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, в частности к хирургии, и может быть использована службами экстренной, скорой медицинской помощи, военно-полевой хирургии для оказания неотложной помощи при травмах головы и шейного отдела позвоночника.Известен хирургический дренаж, содержащий трубку из полиуретанового полимера, в стенке дистального конца которой выполнены отверстия для дренирования. Проксимальный конец трубки снабжен утолщениями для фиксации трубки.