Герасимов Вячеслав Михайлович (RU),Герасимов Иван Вячеславович (RU)
1. A method for clarification of blood pressure readings measured, characterized by using a blood pressure measuring cuff compression, which via a valve is connected pneumatically to the air pump, the cuff connected to the pressure sensor which, via analog-to-digital converter connected to the control unit, a read only memory display and a timer, characterized in that in the continuous mode leading atmospheric pressure measurement, which is recorded in memory readings Arrange This fact and the time when the user performs the blood pressure measurement on the display along with data on the level of blood pressure and pulse of the output data of the atmospheric pressure dynamics for a predetermined time interval, displaying these indicators sharp drop in atmospheric pressure, or a gradual change or static wherein the presence data of the sharp fluctuation of atmospheric pressure in a given period of time, establish that the user changes in blood pressure are not related to his body meteodependent and physical changes caused by its body which have caused serious malfunctions of the cardiovascular system when there is data about the air pressure changes smoothly in a given period of time, it establishes that the user changes in blood pressure associated with the body and its meteodependent serious malfunctions of the cardiovascular system is not nablyudaetsya.2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the predetermined period of time during which give indications on the display atmospheric dynamics1. Способ уточнения показаний измеренного артериального давления, характеризующийся использованием для измерения артериального давления компрессионной манжеты, которая через клапан пневматически связана с воздушным насосом, при этом к манжете подключают: датчик давления, который через аналого-цифровой преобразователь соединен с блоком управления, постоянное запоминающее устройство, дисплей и таймер, отличающийся тем, что в непрерывном режиме ведут измерение атмосферного