Harpoon for underwater fishing refers to fishing equipment and used as part of a harpoon gun for underwater hunting, which is designed for the direct destruction of fish and keeping it on the shaft. The main feature of the variety of tips is the number of teeth in the tip. It determines the main functional properties of the tip. Important advantages of the tip with one tooth are good cross through the water obstacles when moving hunter in the aquatic environment and good penetration into the body of the fishs ability. For mnogozubyh tip mentioned advantages of a single-toothed tip are its disadvantages because of falling algae, and other obstacles in the water in the space between the teeth, which leads to additional noise to scare away fish distraction hunter of fish finder to control the tip position and the additional fatigue hunter and penetration the ability of the spear of energy distribution to several teeth. Thus, for the various phases and shooting conditions, and optimal hunting different objects are different geometric characteristics tip. So to move the hunter while searching for fish in aquatic vegetation comfortable environment will tip one vertex for a good passing through the obstacles. To defeat the small size of fish or in conditions of poor visibility is convenient mnogozubyh tip with a wide lesion area, and finally to engage with a durable coating fish better penetrating capacity will have a single-toothed tip. In the case of compounds mnogozubyh tooth tip movable in the body may receive a combination of different functional properties in one tip when changing the mutual disposition of the teeth. tooth mobility may be provided by the axes or guides, respectively, providing a rotational or translational movement of the teeth relative to each other, while, as a rule, one tooth can be formed not movable relative to the spear. The mobility of the compound should be sufficient to change the geometric parameters of the tip to the extent necessary to ob