(b) An antiretroviral therapy against reverse transcriptase virus; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; an antiretroviral therapy; and an antiretroviral therapy; Chlorine, acetic acid, vitamin E, propionic acid or linoleic acid, preferably alpha-tocoloferie acetic acid; preferably these oils accounted for at least 3% by component weight; Oacute; N, each oil accounted for at least 1% by component weight; Amp; Oacute; N, preferably,Synthesis and Ampere; Oacute; n contains 10% to 97% of Ampere; EACUTE; vitamin ER E, which can be composed of the above three basic oils and AMP; EACUTE; vitamin ER E; or compounds and Ampere; Oacute; N can be gel solution and Ampere; Oacute; E contains 10-50% artemisinin combined therapy; EACUTE; vitamin E ER, 20-60%'s vegetable oil or wax; 10-30% three chloropropene and propane; Eacute; Ridos de Amp; Aacute; de Amp; L; folic acid and propane; L; C; and gels; gel; EACUTE; and at least 3% of the oil. The basic principles mentioned above,Each of these materials accounted for at least 1% of the components and provincial institutions by weight; Oacute; N. LT; / P GT;<;p>;UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N PARA APLICACIÓ;N TÓ;PICA CON ACTIVIDAD ANTIFÚ;NGICA, QUE CONTIENE ACEITE ESENCIAL DE MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA, ACEITE ESENCIAL DE ORÉ;GANO, ACEITE ESENCIAL DE LIMA Y UN É;STER DE VITAMINA E, QUE PUEDE SER, POR EJEMPLO, ACETATO DE VITAMINA E, NPROPIONATO O LINOLEATO, Y ES PREFERENTEMENTE ACETATO DE ALFA-TOCOFERILO; PREFERENTEMENTE, ESTOS ACEITES CONSTITUYEN AL MENOS 3% EN PESO DE LA COMPOSICIÓ;N Y CADA UNO DE ELLOS CONSTITUYE AL MENOS 1% EN PESO DE LA COMPOSICIÓ;N; PREFERENTEMENTE, LA COMPOSICIÓ;N CONTIENE DE 10% A 97% DE