PURPOSE: A non-power stepfeed wheelchair is provided to let the disabled who can move their upper body to go up and down the stairs with little effort or with the protectors simple operation such as handle in the back.CONSTITUTION: A non-power stepfeed wheelchair is characterized as having handle operation applying lever principle, concurrent operation of a horizontal stand, concurrent operation of horizontal stand which applies a timing belt (3), principle application of operating brake of ratchet gear, and a controlling handle equipped with a ball screw axis. The wheelchair let the disabled or old effectively go up and down the stairs with small amount of power and operation of oneself or the protector when climbing the stairs or the sloping road. When the disabled person or old and feeble person etc. move with the stairs or the sloping road etc. oneself or the protector effectively can go up the stairs to the little power and operation etc. and oneself can drop.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2013기존의 휠체어는 계단이나, 언덕길등을 오르고 내릴수 없으며 전동휠체어는 평지나 언덕길을 어느정도 오늘수 있지만 고가의 가격과 수입품에 의존하고 있으며 사후처리도 잘되고있지 않는 설정임본 발명은 장애인 또는 보호자의 적은힘과 조작으로 계단, 언덕길 등을 쉽게 오르고 내리수 있도록한 지렛대 원리와 래칫기어 원리를 적용한 무동력 계단이송 휠체어임.