As for this invention, for using in preventing or remedying the pneumonia symptom which possesses the sphere infiltration of the good inside, for example, the interleukin which the GAG join affinity which augments the chronic blockade Characteristic lung disease, the Pancreatic cyst Characteristic fiber symptom, the critical asthma, the bronchitis and the small bronchitis, by comparison with, the respective wild die IL 8 for preventing or remedy the acutely lung damage and acutely dyspnea syndrome and furthermore inhibition or the lower part possesses the GPCR activity which is controlled and is reformed 8 (IL 8) the constituent which is included is offered.本発明は、好中球浸潤を有する肺炎症を予防又は治療することにおける使用のための、例えば、慢性閉塞性肺疾患、膵嚢胞性繊維症、重症喘息、気管支炎、細気管支炎、急性肺損傷及び急性呼吸困難症候群の予防又は治療のための、それぞれ野生型IL-8と比較して増加したGAG結合アフィニティー及びさらに阻害又は下方制御されたGPCR活性を有する改質されたインターロイキン8(IL-8)を含む組成物を提供する。