A talus component (1) for a multicomponent ankle prosthesis has an underside (3) which faces towards the talus bone on implantation. Independent claims are also included for a tibia component-inlay combination for a multicomponent ankle prosthesis in which the tibia component (6) includes a plate (7) and a bone-anchoring device and the inlay (12) has a planar tibial surface where (A) the side of plate (7) turned towards the inlay (12) has a central protuberation (8) and a cutout (14) for protuberance (8) in the tibial surface of inlay (12), cutout (14) being such that inlay (12) can rotate with respect to tibia component (6) as well as making an AP surface while hindering sideways movement of inlay (12); or (B) as in (a) but in which the plate (7) has a cutout (8a) and a protuberance (14a), cutout (8a) being such that inlay (12) can rotate with respect to tibia component (6) as well as making an AP surface while hindering sideways movement of inlay (12).Det beskrives en talus-komponent for en mangedelt ankelledd-protese, idet talus-komponenten har en nedeovervendt side som vender mot beinet etter implantasjon, idet den nedovervendte siden er utformet som et konkavt sfærisk segment. ?? ?? ?? ?? 1