Whereas physiotherapy methods (acupressure, moxibustion, acupuncture, massage, etc.) and devices (electric low frequency device, ultrasonic device, massage device, etc.) are used variously for patients with musculoskeletal disorders, effects are considered to be insufficient since reality has limitations of time, place, cost, etc. and has popularity. But patients will come for the following conditions, a physiotherapy device, or instruments even though the patients are receiving treatment by self-effort at home and feel the convenience of the self-treatment at home. By developing the three types of acupressure instruments of the present invention, a method to recover functions of pressed nerves and capillary and the function of an acupressure instrument are provided to loosen knotted or hardened muscle ligaments by performing acupuncture and stimulating the meridian and acupoint of the whole body like stretching without too much by oneself at free time at home. The present invention can maximize treatment effects by helping the natural treatment of a body which tries to return to the original state by performing acupuncture on the whole body using the muscle of the whole body without requiring power of other people or without difficult methods to use the acupuncture instruments. The present invention can maintain optimal state of a body by simulating the meridian, acupoint, and lymphatic gland of the whole body and diseases of a musculoskeletal system. The present invention has advantages of: being helpful to prevent and treat by loosening the muscle and capillary of the whole body; being helpful to releasing the knotted and hardened parts even though a severe patient should receive a professional care; and contributing to users and society despite being small. The present invention has a cylindrical pipe with the diameter of 6 cm and the length of 60 cm as a skeleton and fixates a sheath on the outer surface except a pipe hole with a plate of small projections of t