An earwax cleaner includes a bag-shaped holding portion and a soft earwax picking sleeve. The rear section of the bag-shaped holding portion is provided with a resilient bag-shaped body, and the front section is a pipe with an opening. The earwax picking sleeve has a reduced mouth at the distal end and a plurality of protrusions on an outer wall thereof. The earwax picking sleeve is fitted on the pipe of the holding portion. The opening of the pipe is aligned with the mouth of the earwax picking sleeve to form an open end for the air in the bag-shaped body of the holding portion to pass in and out. When in use, the pipe is inserted in the ear and the holding portion is slightly turned with the protrusions to pick the earwax from the wall of the ear to be collected in the bag-shaped body.一種具排屑功能之耳掏結構,係主要包括一具有前段伸出狀套管之囊型捏持部,配合一週面環列分佈有多數支短狀凸柱的軟質撥屑套,全段套合在伸出狀套管之管體外圍包覆所組成者;其中,該套管與撥屑套的端部為開放狀,且形成對正的內、外端孔,藉此即令伸入耳腔內套管,由旋轉撥動的凸柱剝起而自耳壁剝離的耳垢,可在囊型捏持部被壓捏向外排氣後再放開時,被吸入囊內的空氣带離耳腔,達到潔淨清理的方便操作,為其特徵者。