FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, specifically to ophthalmology. For treating proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) complicated by hemophthalmos and traction retinal detachment, ports for manipulating surgical instruments are installed, for cannula with supply of balanced irrigation physiological solution, for constant installation of chandelier. That is followed by removal of vitreous body with separation of posterior hyaloid membrane from retina with frequency of cuts of 8000 per minute, vacuum of 650 mm Hg. At that, as the vitreous cutter approaches the retina and fibroglial tissue, the vacuum is reduced to 350 mm Hg, and the cuts are switched to the "razor" mode. Then fibroglial tissue is removed with tweezers and vitreous cutter, or with tweezers and endovitral shears, or with diathermocoagulation and scissors. After removal of fibroglial tissue using sclerocompressor and vitreous cutter bimanual remove hyaloid tissue and bleeding from extreme periphery of retina. It involves endolaser coagulation of retina of 0.16–0.18 mW along the vascular arcades and at the extreme periphery up to the dentate line. Silicone or gas-air mix is used to tamponade the vitreal cavity. At the end of the operation, four transconjunctival sutures are applied at the port installation site.EFFECT: method reduces risk of iatrogenic ruptures, reduces traction effect on retina and reduces damage of vitreoretinal interface structures as a whole.1 cl, 3 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. Для лечения пролиферативной диабетической ретинопатии (ПДР), осложненной гемофтальмом и тракционной отслойкой сетчатки устанавливают порты для манипуляций хирургическими инструментами, для канюли с подачей сбалансированного ирригационного физиологического раствора, для постоянной установки шандельера. После этого проводят удаление стекловидного тела с отделением задней гиалоидной мембраны от сетчатки с частотой резов 8000 в минуту, вакуумом 650 м