An object of the present invention is to provide a stretcher that can be used for transporting a sick person or a physically handicapped person by using stairs or on uneven roads having irregularities. The stretcher includes a frame having a body rest portion at an upper portion and a lifting device at a lower portion, and an axle portion having a pair of large-diameter rubber tires attached to both ends on both sides of the frame. A guide portion is provided for raising and lowering the device in conjunction with the lifting operation of the lifting device. Since the tires move up and down in conjunction with the elevating operation of the elevating device, when the tires rise to the uppermost part, the lower part of the stretcher is in contact with the ground, and can be moved by sliding on stairs or the like. [Selection] Figure 1【課題】病人や身障者を搬送する際に、階段を利用しての搬送や凹凸のある悪路での搬送にも使用できるストレッチャーを提供する。【解決手段】ストレッチャーは、身体載置部を上部に、昇降装置を下部に備えたフレームを備え、フレームの両側部には、一対の大径のゴム製タイヤが両端に取り付けられた車軸部を、昇降装置の昇降動作に連動して昇降させるためのガイド部が設けられている。タイヤが、昇降装置の昇降動作に連動して昇降するので、最上部まで上がった場合に、ストレッチャーの下部が接地した状態になり、階段等を滑走させて移動できる。【選択図】図1