A jaw-joint protective device is provided for, whitening and brightening a wearer's teeth while protecting the teeth, tongue, lips, jaw, and other delicate structures of the vital cranial triad (VCT) from injury and/or for supporting the condyle of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in a relatively fixed (stable) position thereby stabilizing the jaw and the VCT during head contact activity, exercise, physical rehabilitation, C-force acceleration, teeth grinding disorders and sleep apnea and or permit the components of a VCT disorder to be realigned for proper healing. This device is an over-the-counter purchased, boil and bite device for whitening at least one tooth while protecting the jaw-joint, providing maxillary and mandibular teeth seats for protection of the mouth and/or healing of the VCT. This invention provides a device for customized fitting that is purchased over-the-counter that is versatile for protecting not only the mouth but also a larger area, the vital cranial triad which includes the TMJ, while at the same time allows for audible speech, reduces sleep disorders of snoring, grinding and clenching of teeth with additional benefits.