The present invention relates to a bio-signal-based pain intensity classifying apparatus and method for classifying pain intensity using an electrocardiogram (ECG), a photoplethysmograph (PPG) measuring apparatus, and more particularly, When the sympathetic nervous system is excited by stimulation, the energy and zero crossing rates, which are the main characteristics of the ECG signal or the PPG signal, are extracted and normalized according to the reduced blood flow and tachycardia, and the normalized energy and zero crossing rate The present invention relates to a bio-signal-based pain intensity classifying apparatus and method capable of performing simple and highly accurate classification of pain intensity by showing a pain intensity index through a sigmoid function. In the present invention, a pulse wave signal or an electrocardiogram signal detected from a pulse wave (PPG) sensor or an electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor unit is converted into a digital signal through an A / D conversion unit and transmitted to an arithmetic processing unit, Wherein the arithmetic processing unit detects and normalizes the energy and zero crossing rate from a pulse wave signal or an electrocardiogram signal, and calculates a signal intensity function based on a sigmoid function And the zero-crossing rate sigmoid function, multiplying the sigmoid function of the energy by the predetermined energy weight, and the value obtained by multiplying the sigmoid function of the zero crossing ratio by the predetermined zero crossing rate weight, Output.본 발명은 심전도(ECG), 광용적 맥파(Photoplethysmograph, PPG) 측정 장치를 이용하여 통증심도를 분류하는 생체신호 기반 통증심도 분류 장치 및 방법에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세히는, ECG 또는 PPG 신호로부터, 통증자극으로 교감신경계가 흥분되면 혈류량과 빈맥 감소에 따른 ECG 신호 또는 PPG 신호의 주요한 특징인 에너지(Energy), 영(0) 교차율(Zero-crossing rate)를 추출하여 정규화하고, 정규화된 에너지와 영 교차율에 가중치를 두어 계산한 값을 시그모이드 함수(Sigmoid function)를 통해 통증심도지표를 나타내어, 간단하면서도 정확도가 높은 통증심도 분류가 가능한, 생체신호 기반 통증심도 분류 장치 및 방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명은, 맥파(PPG, 광용적맥파) 센서부 또는 심전도(ECG) 센서부로부터 검출된 맥파 신호 또는 심전