A microbial fertilizer composition method applied into the soil, suitable for a crop fertilization, and includes the following steps. First, prepare the complex microbial fertilizer composition. Next, prepare the complex of irrigation group for transfer the microbial fertilizer composition, each irrigation group including a hanging bag, an infusion tube, and a regulating valve. Then, prepare a plurality of fixed groups which set in the periphery of the crop. Each fixed group comprises a fixing column inserted in the soil, and a plurality of mark columns surrounding the fixing column and inserted in the soil. Finally, the microbial fertilizer composition supplement into the hanging bag and control the regulating valve so that the microbial fertilizers composition through the infusion tube dropped into the soil, fertilize the crop.一種微生物肥料組成物施入土壤之方法,適用於對一農作物進行施肥,並包含下列步驟,首先,備製複數微生物肥料組成物。接著,備製複數滴灌組以輸送該微生物肥料組成物,每一滴灌組包括一掛袋、一輸液管,及一調節閥。然後,備製複數固定組並環設於該農作物之周緣,每一固定組包括一與該輸液管末端連接並插設於土壤中的固定柱,及複數環繞該固定柱並插設於土壤中的標示柱。最後,將該微生物肥料組成物補充入該複數掛袋中,並控制該調節閥使該微生物肥料組成物由該輸液管之末端滴入土壤中,以對該農作物進行施肥。901~905‧‧‧步驟