Chernyavskij Sergej Sergeevich,Чернявский Сергей Сергеевич,Faev Alesej Alekseevich,Фаев Алесей Алексеевич,Baranov Andrej Igorevich,Баранов Андрей Игоревич,Chebotov Anton Aleksandrovich,Чеботов Антон А
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to surgery and may be applicable to manual assisted laparoscopic surgery with open abdominal trauma. First trocar is injected into right or left iliac region, opposite the localization area of the wound of the abdominal wall. Through the trocar in conditions of carboxyperitoneum 12–14 mm Hg. conduct video laparoscopy and assess the nature of damage to wound of the abdominal wall. Perform a mini-access in the middle line above the umbilicus 7–8 cm in length, install an access device containing a wound retractor and a lid with a diaphragm to insert the surgeons arm. Second trocar is injected into ileum, opposite the first installed trocar. In the second trocar, a video laparoscope is moved. Endoscopic instrument is injected into first trocar. Surgery is continued under carboxyperitoneum conditions. Under control of the video laparoscope with use of endoscopic instruments and manual assistance, first a revision of the abdominal organs located in the area of injury, then – in the opposite direction. In presence of damage of inspected organs, they are corrected. Carboxyperitoneum is eliminated. In the wound of the mini-access in the middle line above the navel, the small intestine is removed, its revision is performed and, if damaged, it is sutured. Perform drainage of the abdominal cavity. Device is removed from the wound. Wound of the mini-access is sutured layer-by-layer.EFFECT: method allows to simplify the technique and shorten the operation time, provide good visualization and low traumatism.1 clИзобретение относится к хирургии и может быть применимо для мануально-ассистированной лапароскопической операции при открытой травме живота. Первый троакар вводят в правую или левую подвздошную область, противоположную области локализации ранения брюшной стенки. Через троакар в условиях карбоксиперитонеума 12-14 мм рт.ст. проводят видеолапароскопию и оценку характера повреждения ранения брюшной стенки. Выполняют мини-доступ по ср