A secure anchoring strap over aprosthetic socket for securing a sleeve. The anchoringstrap generally comprises a first strap attached atone end to one side of a closed loop buckle. Thefirst strap laden with hook-attachments comprises awoven inner outer material fabnic or loop material.A second strap Is attached at one end to another sideof the closed loop buckle, the second strap comprisinga laden with hook-attachments and a woven Innerouter material fabric or loop material. A user simplywraps the attachment strap around a margin of theirsleeve overlying their prosthetic socket, and passesthe free end of the first strap back through the closedloop buckle. They pull the opposing free ends of thestraps taught, and secure the inner hook-material ofthe respective straps to the opposing woven fabricbeneath, thereby securing the strap tightly in a flushconfiguration.