The present invention relates to a method for carrying out in vitro culture of Arnica montana L. species by developing the following processes: cultures of differentiated tissues (meristematic tissues) and undifferentiated tissues (callus and cell clusters), in order to carry out an integrated evaluation of the biosynthesis of biologically active compounds. These consist of micropropagation cultures (explant - stem apices obtained by the germination of seeds under aseptic conditions) by using a Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) culture medium with 25 g/l saccharose, solidified with 8...8.5% agar and supplemented with 1.0 mg/l BAP, callus cultures (explant - foliar and root fragments sampled from in vitro regenerated plants, immature inflorescences) by using a culture medium MS with 30g/l saccharose solidified with 7.5% agar, in three hormonal balances variants (0.5 mg/l BAP and 1.5 mg/l 2.4D, 0.5mg/l kinetine and 1.5 mg/l2.4D, 1.0 mg/l kinetine and 1.0 mg/l NAA), submerged cultures (inoculum - callus obtained under the above-mentioned conditions), by using a culture medium MS (liquid) with 30 g/l saccharose, without growth regulators.Prezenta invenţie se referă la o metodă de realizare a culturiila specia, prin dezvoltarea următoarelor procese: culturi de ţesuturi diferenţiate (ţesuturi meristematice) şi nediferenţiate (calus şi clustere celulare), în scopul realizării unei evaluări integrate a biosintezei compuşilor biologici activi. Acestea constau în: culturi de micropropagare (explant - vârfuri tulpinale obţinute prin germinarea seminţelor în condiţii aseptice) utilizând mediul de cultură Murashige şi Skoog (1962) (MS), cu 25g/l zaharoză, solidificat cu 8...8,5% agar şi suplimentat cu 1,0 mg/l BAP, culturi de calus (explant - fragmente foliare şi radiculare prelevate de la plante regenerate, inflorescenţe imature) utilizând mediul de cultură MS cu 30 g/l zaharoză, solidificat cu 7,5% agar, în trei variante de balanţe hormonale (0,5 mg/l BAP şi 1,5mg/l 2,4D, 0,