Ишутин Василий Александрович (RU),Стрельников Игорь Иванович (RU),Корнев Иван Иванович (RU)
1. A method for monitoring sterilization of materials and articles comprising placing a sterilization process before the sterilizable objects include biological indicators with spores cell test - microorganisms and bacteriological control cell viability test - microorganisms after the sterilization process, characterized in that, immediately after the closure in the biological sterilization indicators with spores of the test cells - microorganisms contribute (0,3 ÷ 0,5) mhelyuministsentnoy composition spores extracted test cells - micro organisms by shaking biological indicators for (3 ÷ 7) minutes further helyuministsentnym method in the obtained extract determine the presence of viable cells of test - microorganisms and helyuministsentnogo luminescence intensity determine the effectiveness of sterilization, the absence helyuministsentnogo luminescence in the analysis of each of the obtained extracts is indicative of the effective sterilization of materials and izdeliy.2. A method for controlling sterilization of materials and products according to claim 1, characterized in that as biological indicators used inoculated media in a eppendorf tubes containing cells Geobacillus Stearothermophilus VKM B-718 in a spore forme.3. A method for controlling sterilization of materials and products according to claim 1, characterized in that as biological indicators used inoculated media in the form of glass vials containing the cells of Bacillus Licheniformis G strain VKM-1711D as spor.4. A method for controlling sterilization of materials and products according to claim 1, characterized in that the wear inoculated used as biological indicators1. Способ контроля стерилизации материалов и изделий, включающий размещение перед проведением процесса стерилизации среди стерилизуемых объектов биологических индикаторов со спорами клеток тест - микроорганизмов и бактериологический контроль жизнеспособности клеток тест - микроорганизмов после проведения процесса стерилизации, отличающий