Pharmaceutical composition for prevention or treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, comprising Fujimodoki flower extract or a fraction thereof as an active ingredient
The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating neurodegenerative diseases and a health functional food containing a flower extract or a fraction thereof as an active ingredient. The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating a neurodegenerative disease and a health functional food that is non-toxic and has an excellent effect of preventing or treating a neurodegenerative disease.本発明は、フジモドキの花抽出物又はその分画物を有効成分として含む神経変性疾患の予防又は治療用医薬組成物及び健康機能食品に関し、フジモドキの幹及び/又は根抽出物とは異なり、遺伝毒性がなく、神経変性疾患の予防又は治療効果に優れた神経変性疾患の予防又は治療用医薬組成物及び健康機能食品に関する。