The present invention relates to steamed chicken and rice cake, and a method for preparing the same. The steamed chicken and rice cake are prepared by: firstly putting chicken and rice cake for stir-fried rice cake in water, and boiling the same; additionally putting udon noodles and boiling the mixture; putting sauce, which is obtained by mixing chili powder, sugar, starch syrup, fermented soybean paste, salt, soy sauce, and artificial seasoning in a broth with crabs and cow bones and stirring the same, in the boiling chicken, rice cake for stir-fried rice cake, and udon noodles and mixing the same; and stopping boiling and adding cheese and flavory potatoes to the same. According to the present invention, the steamed chicken and rice cake uses chicken, rice cake, and udon noodles, i.e. chewy Sanuki udon noodles, as main ingredients, and also uses sauce with excellent taste and seasoned red-pepper sauce, and thus provides a dish preferred by all ages and sexes to enable people of all ages and sexes to easily enjoy the same. In addition, the steamed chicken and rice cake prepared by the method of the present invention can provide superior nutrition with taste and enhance the ease of cooking and flavor.본 발명은 물에 닭고기와 떡볶이용 떡을 먼저 넣어 끓이고, 우동면을 추가로 넣어 끓이고, 끓고 있는 상기 닭고기와 상기 떡볶이용 떡 및 상기 우동면에, 꽃게와 소잡뼈의 육수에 고추가루, 설탕, 물엿, 된장, 소금, 간장, 다시다를 넣고 저어서 제조되는 소스를 넣고서 버무린 다음, 끓이는 것을 멈추고, 치즈와 맛감자를 추가한 닭떡찜 및 이의 제조방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명에 의하면, 닭고기, 떡과 함께 우동면, 예컨대 쫄깃한 사노끼우동면을 주재료로 사용함과 아울러, 맛이 뛰어난 소스 내지 다데기로 인해, 남녀노소 누구나 좋아하는 요리로서 쉽게 즐길 수 있도록 하고, 맛과 함께 뛰어난 영양을 제공하도록 하며, 조리의 편의성과 풍미감을 높일 수 있다.