Панов Павел Борисович (RU),Пищуров Александр Николаевич (RU),Забродский Всеволод Анатольевич (RU),Макеев Борис Лаврович (RU)
the utility model belongs to the field of medicine, in particular to disaster medicine, and can be used for emergency stopping of bleeding at the stages of medical a massive outdoor вакуации.the proposed technical solution is to reduce the time of use of a tourniquet.the (the) the level and quality of the assistance in the use of a tourniquet with one hand the full realization of the possibilities of providing assistance under conditions of reduced illumination improvement securitythe patient.the task is solved by the use of the device, including компрессионную ribbon, a lever, a platform, a means for providing informationthe compression band contains люминесцирующее cover a lever made of durable hard plastic material, includes a body in the form of a hollow tubeon the торцах which are available with the possibility of locking of the removable шарообразные •заглушки larger diameters, one of which is associated with the markerposted in the body cavity lever body lever freely available in plastic втулке located in turn in the loop.are educated and прошитой компрессионной tape компрессионной tape freely available buckle with hookwith the possibility of movement and fixation of компрессионной ribbons on the other hand lever end компрессионной tape tightly connected with striker leverthe enclosed solid solid plastic rectangular in shape, the upper surface of the rigidly connected with the ring.made of strong elastic fabric and the staple at the free end the lower surface of the striker is covered with a layer of клеящего substances, on top of which is a protective removable film.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, в частности - к медицине катастроф, и может быть использована для экстренной остановки массивных наружных кровотечений на этапах медицинской эвакуации.Задачей предлагаемого технического решения является обеспечение сокращения времени наложения жгута, повышение (обеспечение) уровня и качества оказания помощи при использовании жгута одной рукой полная р