The invention relates to medicine, and is intended for the treatment of dorsopathy. The method for the treatment of dorsopathy includes initial detection of all painful points along the entire cerebrospinal axis and all involved extremities applying visual and palpation diagnostics technique. Then, with the use of ADC Imedis-Expert, taking and recording of amplified pathological signal (APS) into homoeopathic grit is carried out from every detected painful point in sequence, applying magnetic therapy devices (MTD) connected to forehead sockets, during performance of bioresonance therapy either in the Transfer Mode, or in Acupuncture Meridian Mode. Thereafter, MTDs are placed along the entire cerebrospinal axis, upon every painful point and the head, then the homoeopathic grit with recorded APS is placed into an inversion container, and then therapeutic modes of bioresonance therapy applied by the ADC Imedis-Expert are switched in the sequence as follows: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, circular then a mode of maximum response is chosen. Bioreonance treatment is performed for 10 to 40 min. until electropuncture diagnostics indices are normalised to 80 units of vegetative resonance test (VRT) by measurement scale, and clinical characteristics are achieved as follows: retreated activity of painful point, evident reduction of pain intensity, muscle spasm, and activities of trigger points, reduction or diasppearance of functional joint blocks. Seances are performed every day, every other day, or 1 to 2 times a week, depending on the pain intensity.Изобретение относится к медицине и предназначено для лечения дорсопатии. Способ лечения дорсопатии заключается в том, что предварительно выявляют все источники боли вдоль всей цереброспинальной оси и проблемных конечностей методом визуально-пальпаторной диагностики. Затем, используя АПК "Имедис-эксперт", проводят съём и регистрацию усиленного патологического сигнала (УПС) на гомеопатическую крупку последовательно с каждого выяв