< Topic >You see as watarigani harshly and you offer the chest which encloses the fermentation food which from seasoning and the greenstuff was created.Solutions(1) the greenstuff is put on the mixer, (2) the food (watarigani) is made to compress and the juice is taken, (3) the juice of greenstuff and watarigani is mixed with seasonings, at proper temperature (30 - 35) it ferments (4), (1), (2) and (3), it ferments including the rice powder once more, encloses into the chest (pet bottle) and completes.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】ワタリガニと辛み調味料と野菜類とから作成した発酵食品を封入した密閉容器を提供する。【解決手段】(1)野菜類をミキサーにかける、(2)食品(ワタリガニ)を圧縮させ汁をとる、(3)野菜類とワタリガニの汁を調味料類と混合する、(4)、(1)、(2)、(3)を適正温度(30℃~35℃)で発酵させ、もう一度米粉を加えて発酵させ、密閉容器(ペットボトル)に封入して完成させる。【選択図】図1