Note 1. A.T. lt; P gt; a management package; oacute; n de F amp; Aacute; RMAs or nutrient in L amp; Iacute; quido submit an outer package (1) and a C amp; Aacute; Mara inner package; EST amp; eacute; RIL or disinfection (2) and stay in C amp; Aacute; Aacute; RMAs or nutrientMara (2) a bottle of F amp; Aacute; rmaco or nutriment (6), with a neck (7) and a drillable lid (8) on posici amp; an inverted oacute; N and a detachable and / or extracti amp device (9); oacute; n del F amp; Aacute; rmaco or nutrition (6)It can be placed under the lid of the jar and can cover the neck (7) of the jar. The device includes a nail piercing needle and an ampere needle; an oacute; n (13) configuration to allow axial movement of the can (5); and a flow tube (15) extending from the outside of the bag (1) and E.Comments more than a month ago The perforating needle and ampere needle; oacute; n (13) are longitudinally penetrated by the first channel (18), connecting the (Desu amp; eacute; s de la drilling amp; oacute; n de la tap (8) and (17) holes from the tank (5) to the flow pipe (15).The second canal (19) has a side opening (20) fitted with a horizontal filter; oacute; fobo (21), which allows configuration, and Despu amp; eacute; s de la drilling amp; oacute; n de la tape (8),1. Airflow or other gaseous fluids can only flow from the tank (5) to propane and propane; Aacute; Exchange (2) bottles (1) or vice versa (Figure 1) lt; P gt;<;p>;UN ENVASE PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓ;N DE FÁ;RMACOS O NUTRIENTES EN ESTADO LÍ;QUIDO PRESENTA UNA BOLSA EXTERIOR (1) CON UNA CÁ;MARA INTERIOR ESTÉ;RIL O ESTERILIZADA (2) Y ALOJA DENTRO DE DICHA CÁ;MARA (2) UN FRASCO (5) CON UN FÁ;RMACO O NUTRIENTE (6) QUE CUENTA CON UN CUELLO (7) Y UNA TAPA PERFORABLE (8) EN UNA POSICIÓ;N INVERTIDA Y UN DISPOSITIVO (9) PARA LA RETIRADA Y/O EXTRACCIÓ;N DEL FÁ;RMACO O NUTRIENTE (6), QUE SE COLOCA DEBAJO DE LA TAPA DEL FRASCO Y SE PUEDE ENGANCHAR AL