A grafting method for eggplant transplant includes the steps of cutting out a branch from a fully developed plant of eggplant and securely placing the branch on a rootstock of a wild tobacco such that the eggplant branch and the wild tobacco can grow together. Since the wild tobacco generally takes about 20 days into flower, the eggplant branch may grow, flower and bear fruit many times in a year at short intervals. In this manner, eggplants do not have to come from seeds and therefore eggplant production will be increasing and not limited by seasons. Moreover, because the wild tobacco is strong and resists disease and insects, planting of eggplants can be done in the same land, without the need to be shifted to another land.一種茄果嫁接方法,其係取得茄子成熟之枝條作為母枝芽,然後將其嫁接於作為砧木用之土煙樹高處枝幹上,利用砧木自生養分提供嫁接之成熟茄子母枝芽生長。藉由土煙樹約二十天即開花的週期,促使嫁接植種之茄子,可一年四季且週期性短期開花結果。避免傳統土植法必需每年重新育苗、栽種等麻煩且需四個月後才能開花結果採收的困擾,更可解決同一種植地不能連續種植的限制,突破茄子受季節限制生長與結果等問題,藉此提高農業經濟效益。S11、S12、S13‧‧‧步驟