For conventional grinding machine to perform grinding of various types internal and external grinding surface ,a perfect dressed grinding wheel is required and this makes dressing of grinding wheel is an important aspect of grinding operation. Dressing is important in order to maintain the cutting of material, finish of material to be ground and FORM to be maintained. The dressing attachment is given with conventional internal grinding machines which will dress the wheel longitudinally only (plain dressing) and for spherical grinding special purpose machines are there in market. So instead of going for special purpose machines A Universal manual dressing mechanism is developed which is having a provision to attach with machines slots and also a dresser attachment that dressed the grinding wheel of required contour. This attachment will perform mainly three types of dressing of grinding wheel as follows, A) Plain Dressing (For plain form grinding) B) Convex Dressing (For internal form grinding) C) Concave Dressing (For external form grinding)