T. lt; P gt; present invention; oacute; n refers to the skeleton of kitasano, including its components, its manufacturing process and ampere; oacute; N, and its various applications, especially in the treatment and amp; eacute; utico, reumatol amp; oacute; oacute, oftalmol amp; oacute; est amp; eacute; TICA, CIRUG AMP,IACUTE,A PL AMP,AACUTE,TICA,Cirug AMP,IACUTE,A INTERNAL,Dermatol AMP,OACUTE,GICA,O COSM AMP,EACUTE,TICA. LT;/P GT;<;p>;La presente invenció;n se refiere a un carboxialquilo de quitosano, a las composiciones que lo comprenden, a su procedimiento de fabricació;n, y a sus diferentes aplicaciones, en particular, en el campo terapé;utico, reumatoló;gico, oftalmoló;gico, de la medicina esté;tica, cirugí;a plá;stica, cirugí;a interna, dermatoló;gico, o cosmé;tica.<;/p>;