Invention herewith described refers to the production process of products for the treatment of skin infection based on usnea barbata lichen extract Due to the excessive use of antibiotics, both for treatment and in prophylaxis, the world is nowadays faced with the increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. In order to obtain a product for the treatment of skin infections there is applied the process of the supercritical fluid extraction using carbon (IV) - oxide. The active components of the usnea barbata lichen were isolated by subjecting to 30 MPa pressures and to the temperatures higher than 313 K to 333 K. There were determined certain minimum inhibitory concentrations of the extracts, as well as their cytotoxic effect. The concentration of the extract in the final product is defined by the boundary of its cytotoxic effect.Zbog prekomeme upotrebe antibiotika, kako u svrhu lečenja, tako i u profilaktičke svrhe, svet je danas suočen sa porastom rezistencije bakterija na antibiotike.U cilju dobijanja proizvoda za lečenje kožnih infekcija primenjen je proces natkritične ekstrakcije ugljenik (IV) - oksidom. Aktivne komponente lišaja Usnea barbata izolovane su na pritiscima od 30 MPa i višim i temperaturama od 313 K do 333 K. Određene su minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije ekstrakata, kao i njihov citotoksični efekat. Koncentracija ekstrakta u konačnim proizvodima defmisana je granicom njegovog cititoksičnog dejstva.