Mainly a kind of odour diffusing device of what is closed in system for this creation, it is mainly the pressure bottle for being provided with several air compressor machines for being connected to an exportable high pressure nitrogen, and it is provided with the electronic valve for being respectively connected to pressure bottle, so, the essential oil in pressure bottle can be gasified using high pressure nitrogen, and whether using the switch of control electronic valve, it is discharged to control the essential oil to gasify in pressure bottle through the aperture of an output pipe, to provide the odour diffusing device person that one kind can increase smell variability.本創作主要係關於一種氣味擴散裝置,其主要係設置有數個連接至一可輸出高壓氮氣之空壓機之壓力瓶,並設置有分別連接至壓力瓶的電子閥,如此,利用高壓氮氣可將壓力瓶內的精油氣化,並利用控制電子閥的開關與否,來控制壓力瓶內氣化的精油經一輸出管路的開孔排出,以提供一種能增加氣味變化性之氣味擴散裝置者。