МОНТЕЛЛО Альберт А. (US),БАЕ Хиун В. (US),СТРОСБО Уилльям Л. (US),БОННЕР Кристофер М. (US),МАКДОНОУ Уилльям П. (US),КОХ Дэвид К. (US),МИЛФОРД Джордан Н. (US)
1. The rear plate spinal fixation system, comprising: a plate having a top surface, a bottom surface and a plurality of holes extending through the plate from the top surface to the bottom surface plate is configured such as to extend along the rear side of the at least two vertebrae adjacent to at least one of the lateral mass of each of the vertebrae, and the holes are spaced such that the first plurality of apertures may be located above the lateral mass of the first vertebra to create a plurality of fixing points to the first vertebra, and a second plurality of holes may be located above the lateral mass of the second vertebra, creating a plurality of fixing points to the second vertebra and a plurality of connecting elements inserted through the holes in the plate in the lateral mass fixation to respective vertebral plates to pozvonku.2. the rear fixation plate system of claim 1, wherein the holes are arranged in at least two longitudinal rows, with the holes of one longitudinal row are staggered with respect to holes of another longitudinal ryada.3. posterior spinal fixation plate system according to claim 2, wherein each of the apertures has an axis, wherein the holes have a plurality of threaded bars spaced to form a plurality of depressions without threads, wherein at least one of the columns of one of the threaded holes of the pair laterally adjacent apertures intersects a line extending between the axes of the holes laterally adjacent pair otverstiy.4. posterior spinal fixation plate system of claim 3, wherein at least one1. Система задней фиксации позвоночника пластиной, содержащая:пластину с верхней поверхностью, нижней поверхностью и множеством отверстий, продолжающихся через пластину от верхней поверхности до нижней поверхности пластина имеет такую конфигурацию, чтобы продолжаться вдоль задней стороны по меньшей мере двух позвонков смежно по меньшей мере одной латеральной массе каждого из позвонков, и отверстия разнесены таким образом, что первое множ