The invention provides a clay patch and a manufacturing method thereof. The clay patch contains powder and medicament. The powder contains starch, and the medicament contains medicine and is mixed in the powder. The powder is made to have viscosity and may be shaped in any form. Thus, the clay patch of the invention may be fitted to the body shape and shaped in any form, so as to be tightly attached onto skin and achieve higher adhesion. Moreover, the clay patch of the invention is made of natural ingredients to achieve better ventilation.一種黏土貼布及其製造方法,該黏土貼布包含一粉體,及一藥劑。 該粉體含有澱粉。該藥劑含有藥材且混合於該粉體內,並使該粉體產生黏性而能隨意塑形。藉此,本發明的黏土貼布能配合身體形狀而隨意塑形,與皮膚能緊密地貼合,因此,貼合度較高。同時,由於本發明的黏土貼布均為天然成份,透氣較佳。