The invention relates to a bioactive collagen matrix in the shape of a membrane with the thickness of 0.3...1 mm consisting of 0.6...1% undenaturated fibrilar native collagen extract of type (I), with the average molecular weight of 400,000...500,000 and 80...98% purity, with or without addition of 0.5...1% glycerine as plasticizer, and 0.1...0.5% glutaraldehyde as cross-linking agent.Prezenta invenţie se referă la o matrice colagenică bioactivă, sub formă de membrane cu grosimea de 0,3...1 mm, constituită din 0,6...1% extract de colagen nativ , fibrilar, nedenaturat, de tip (I), cu greutate moleculară medie 400.000...500.000 şi puritate 80...98%, cu sau fără adăugarea de glicerină 0,5...1%, ca plastifiant, şi glutaraldehidă 0,1...0,5%, ca reticulant.