System for monitoring patients at home comprising interface means at the patient's home, interface means at a doctor's surgery, a server linked by a network such as a telephone network to the interface means at the patient's home and to the interface means at the doctor's surgery, the said server receiving from the interface means at the patient's home, values of physiological parameters measured by the patient or by sensors and comprising means for storing a history, corresponding to a certain period of time, regarding the values of physiological parameters which are transmitted thereto, the said server furthermore comprising means for implementing a processing on the values of physiological parameters transmitted by the patient with a view to their presentation and to the presentation of their changes on the interface means at the doctor's surgery, characterized in that the said means implement on the latest values of physiological parameters which are transmitted to the server a processing comparing the state defined by these various values of physiological parameters with alert states defined as a function of the stored history of the patient and comprise means for transmitting the results of this processing to the interface means at the doctor's surgery.