The new type is related to a gel coating structure.It includes a repair composite layer including a fault ion material.A molding composite layer arranged at the side of the repairing composite layer and covered with the composite layer.And a protective layer provided at the side of the formed composite layer which deviates from the repaired composite layer and is covered with the formed composite layer,And the composite layer is formed by forming the composite layer to cover and repair the composite layer.The protective layer is used to cover the composite layer to provide protection.When the new model is used, it is applied to the wound to isolate bacteria or dust in the air.And the new type will exchange potential with the wound.In order to destroy the bacteria in the wound and stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts,By this way, the utility model can achieve the goal of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sterilization, and improve the practical progress of wound healing.本新型為有關於一種凝膠披覆結構,其包括有一包含有錯離子材料之修復複合層、一設於修復複合層側處且將其包覆之成型複合層、及一設於成型複合層背離修復複合層側處並包覆成型複合層之保護層,且藉由成型複合層包覆修復複合層使其成型,並利用保護層包覆成型複合層以提供保護;當使用本新型時係將其批覆於傷口上以隔離空氣中的細菌或灰塵,且本新型會與傷口處進行電位的交換,以破壞傷口處的細菌及刺激纖維母細胞增生,藉此令本新型達到消炎止痛滅菌且增進傷口癒合之實用進步性。