The present invention relates to a manufacturing method of cold brewed tea process and a product of cold brewed carbonated water manufactured by using the method. A cold brewing process includes the following steps: (A) opening a sealed container (B) filling a proper amount of tea leaf product as a first cold brewed item, wherein the first cold brewed item can be replaced by a proper amount of fresh or dried flowers (C) additionally filling a flavor additive as a second cold brewed item depending on the taste (D) introducing carbonated water to form carbonated water containing soaked cold brewed items (E) sealing the sealed container (F) standing still such that, due to soaking, the cold brewed items release ingredients into the carbonated water to form the carbonated water with the flavor of the cold brewed items. A product of cold brewed carbonated water includes a sealed container carbonated water filled in the sealed container and a proper amount of tea leaf product filled in the sealed container and soaked in the carbonated water. The tea leaf product can be replaced by a proper amount of fresh or dried flowers. The product of cold brewed carbonated water further includes a flavor additive, which can be a sweetness enhancer, a fruit flavor enhancer, a flavor enhancer, or a taste enhancer filled into the sealed container and soaked in the carbonated water.本發明係關於一種冷泡茶類製程之製造方法及利用該製造方法所製造之冷泡碳酸水產品,一種冷泡製程,包含以下步驟:(A)打開密封容器;(B)填充入適量茶葉類產品為第一被冷泡物,同時,其第一被冷泡物可以改填充為適量之新鮮花朵或乾燥花朵;(C)亦可依口味需求增加填充入口味添加物為第二被冷泡物;(D)注入碳酸水,組成含有被冷泡物浸泡之碳酸水;(E)將密封容器予以密封;(F)靜置,使被冷泡物因浸泡而釋放成分至碳酸水中,形成有被冷泡物口味之碳酸水。一種冷泡碳酸水產品,包括:一密封容器;一碳酸水,填充於密封容器內;以及一適量茶葉類產品,填充於密封容器內浸泡於碳酸水中。上述之茶葉類產品亦可改填充為適量之新鮮花朵或乾燥花朵;上述之一種冷泡碳酸水產品,進一步包括一口味添加物,該口味添加物可以是甜味增加物、水果風味增加物、香味增加物或口感增加物填充於密封容器內浸泡於碳酸水中。101,102,103,104,105,106‧‧‧流程圖元件