The present invention relates to medical prostheses and methods of manufacturing those devices. In particular, the prostheses are temporarily stiffened meshes with particular coatings to provide initial stiffness and thereby permit easier surgical handling for treatment or reconstruction of soft tissue defects. Preferred embodiments include surgical meshes coated with one or more biodegradable polymers that can act as a stiffening agent by coating the filaments or fibers of the mesh to temporarily immobilize the contact points of those filaments or fibers and/or by increasing the stiffness of the mesh by at least 1.1 times its original stiffness. The devices of the invention can also provide relief from various post-operative complications associated with their implantation, insertion or surgical use. By including biologically active agents and/or drugs in the coating, the devices provide prophylaxis for and can alleviate side effects or complications associated with the surgery or use of prostheses in general.