The present invention is related to a continuous layered three-dimensional microalgae culturing system which comprises pluralities of microalgae culturing container for culturing the microalgae in the microalgae solution a transporting conductor for connecting the microalgae culturing container, or for connecting the microalgae culturing container a power equipment for supplying the transporting power of transporting the microalgae solution in transporting conductor a cultured microalgae solution concentration monitor for monitoring the microalgae solution concentration in the system pluralities of a microalgae culturing container for culturing the microalgae in the microalgae solution a microalgae solution storage/supplying group units for storing and/or supplying the needed nutrition in the growth of the microalgae solution, microalgae solution and microalgae medium which is located in the base of the system a transporting conductor for connecting the microalgae culturing container, or for connecting the microalgae culturing container and the microalgae solution storage/supplying group a pump for supplying the transporting power of transporting the microalgae in transporting conductor, which is located in the base of the system and located in the transporting conductor a harvesting tube and a microalgae solution separator for separating the microalgae solution andto the microalgae medium and microalgae, collecting the microalgae, which is located between the microalgae culturing container and the microalgae storage / supplying groupunits wherein the microalgae culturing system can reach the purpose of continuous culturing.一種連續式多層式立體微藻培養系統,包含藻類培養容器、傳輸管道、動力裝置、濃度監測器、儲備單元及收成裝置,用以培養微藻,其中當濃度監測器檢測到傳輸管道之藻液濃度達到一預設濃度時,即會啟動收成裝置引導藻液進入該藻液分離器將藻液中之藻體與藻水進行分離,藻體經由收成管送出,藻水傳輸回儲備單元,並啟動將另一儲備單元內之藻液經傳輸管道輸送進入藻類培養容器,達到連續式培養之目的。1...第一層2...第二層3...第三層4...第四層5...第五層6...第六層10...第一儲備單元20...第二儲備單元40...動力裝置70...分配管81...第一藻類培養容器82...第二藻類培養容器83...第三藻類培養容器84...第四藻類培養容器85...第五藻類培養容器86...第六藻類培養容器101..